Virtual Reiki

Virtual Reiki

Many find themselves asking how does virtual reiki work? Does it work & what will I experience? Although I can not break down what you will experience, I can share my experiences. Each time I receive virtual reiki it is a potent experience. Sessions can vary from a deep relaxation brought by visualization meditations or very visceral body experience. Other times, I have journeyed through my own subconscious releasing energy I no longer needed to store in my body. I can assure you that anytime we place attention, breath, and intention to our beings, healing in our bodies take place.

Every virtual experience is different and I encourage you to release expectation allowing whatever healing unfolds to integrate with your being. Coming to a space of healing with an open heart is the foundation of transformation.

How to Prepare for a Virtual Session:

  • Find a place quiet and peaceful where you will not be interrupted for the entirety of the virtual session (typically 30-45 min)

  • Make a nest - create a space that allows you to drop into your body, relax, and lie down on your back during the session. Optional: Gather crystals or incense that create a temple atmosphere for you. Set the stage for your healing space.

  • Have a place to set up your phone, tablet or laptop where I will be able to see your breath patterns (not applicable for phone sessions)

  • WATER is LIFE - Have water by your side to drink after your session. Make sure you are keeping attention on your water intake for the rest of the day.

    **Remember Reiki is similar to an energetic massage - drinking water helps the detoxification process**

  • When reiki energy is sent virtually it works beyond the constructs of time. Your session will continue beyond our allotted time for the session. Be gentle with yourself & listen to your body’s needs. Each integration is different, if you have any questions after your session do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Energy Cords

Energy Cords

