Energy Work & Me

Energy Work & Me

Working with energy has been a life long practice for me. It wasn’t until I began studying under my Reiki Master that I had made the connection that this was a tool I was previously familiar with. That revelation allowed me to see how Reiki has always been a vital source of transmutation, transformation, and foundation in my life.

Personally being an empath and psychic in the modern-day US comes with many trials and wounds. A society that is heavily influenced by overactive Masculine energy, Patriarchal ideals, and the denial of energetic frequency did not encourage me to nurture and grow in these gifts. The denial of them is a denial of the Feminine which exists within each of us despite sex, gender, or sexual orientation. The Feminine nature of insight & flow allows us to see beyond the surface and tune in to the infinite knowledge we hold. If we do not work towards the rebalancing of Feminine & Masculine energy in our bodies we have dis-ease. We are not in alignment or the inner harmony of our beings. We will continue to see ailments, pain & disconnection.

Reiki has allowed me the alleviation from many internalized emotions, fears, and unhealthy belief systems from a society that I adopted due to socialization. Reiki allowed me to come back to my true essence. I have experienced physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing all due to working with and receiving Reiki. I have experienced healing from a physical wound that continued to resurface and I have found mental balance when previously struggling with PTSD as well as Depression & Anxiety.

When paired with Sound healing, aromatherapy, and working with the mineral kingdom (crystal healing) I was brought back into true alignment with my Biological Frequency Resonance. BFR is a frequency that each living being holds. It is very important to have a healthy resonance that is in harmony with nature's frequency for optimum health, mental, and emotional wellness. When we align and attune our frequency to one of balance, clarity, and grounding we can move through life with less stress and ease.

Reiki gave me the tools to no longer internalize the rejection and misinformation that I received and continue to receive in Western American enculturation. Reiki encourages me to continue to unpack these layers of healing, returning to the places I find the sweet nectar of life. Like the hummingbird, I know where to go daily now to feed my heart, body, mind, and soul. This technique has worked for me countless ways at times it is difficult to fully articulate. I would encourage you if you feel the call or desire to experience it to open your heart and allow the healing to begin. What do you have to lose? We are all capable of self-healing, I merely hold space to facilitate your healing. With Reiki energy, you heal yourself. I am but a hollow reed allowing the energy to flow through my being to you.

Usui Reiki

Usui Reiki

Mineral Kingdom

Mineral Kingdom